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About Us

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  • A day home committed to safety through teaching and behaviour.

  • A day home committed to health practices such as fresh air activities, immunizations and wonderful foods.

  • A day home that understands ebbs and flows and can adjusts to situations.

A day home that not only loves the children but their families too.

I am a mother and enjoy motherhood and all it has to offer. When my maternity leave came to its' end I could not bear the pain of leaving my little one. I decided that for my own sanity I would open my home to other children - that was February 2007 and I have wonderful success and stability since. This has been both a wonderfully exciting and rewarding endeavor. I have been able to help other mothers with the same issues, pass on advice to newer mothers when asked and work with veteran mothers.
My philosophy with children is to treat them like little adults. I believe that these small people are sponges and the more I can impart to them the easier their lives will be. I believe in communicating in a normal matter i.e. no baby talk. We use proper words for items and I try to encourage the use of multisyllabic words.

The children I have been fortunate to help take care have made a special place in my heart and will forever be thought of with a warm smile and a kind thought.

Upcoming Events:
Macy's Parade!

Our yearly Macy's Parade watch fest is quickly approaching.  This is a time when we site bundled in blankets, snack and hot chocolate in hand and watch our favourite characters float down the road and of course the pièce de résistance ( Père Noël) Santa!!

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